Why Should I Organize My Home?

We get this question a lot. What’s the big deal? Why should I organize my home or hire someone to do it?

This is actually a fantastic question! We could talk with anyone on this topic for days. However, there are a few reasons why we believe home organization is beneficial. Did you know having an organized home is proven to lessen your stress levels, save you time, and energy?

Imagine walking in from a long day, and your home is a mess. There are things strewn around, items out of place, and you can’t find what you need. This can be draining not only emotionally but physically as well. Your mind becomes overwhelmed by all you would need to do, and instead of being motivated you end up feeling defeated. This can become an endless cycle and over time create anxiety, stress, and frustration.

Organization allows not only your home to be clutter free, but frees your mind too. You won’t have to worry about throwing things into a room when company comes over. When the door bell rings you won’t be embarrassed to open your front door, for fear of what the other person on the other side of it may see. A neat and tidy home brings peace not only to those who dwell inside but can be relaxing and welcoming to those who enter in. You worked hard to purchase your home, it should be a sanctuary for you, a place where you come to escape the stresses of the outside world.

Time is fleeting, and it seems to be flying by faster each day. People are busier than ever and have acquired more than we ever. When your home is filled with clutter and unnecessary things, you spend time looking for things because they don’t have a place. Think about your closet, is it easy to find what you need as you get dressed for the day? Are you having to weed through shelves and hangers filled with clothes? Most people, if they were honest, would say, “Yes!” There’s no need to experience that same frustration day in and day out. You will be surprised at how much stuff you don’t need and don’t even use.

Decluttering is a process that takes time initially, but in the end it will save you a ton of time going forward. You’ll be able to find what you need, when you need it. Everything will have it’s place and be easily accessible to you and your family. Once you make decluttering your home a habit, it will become easier and the organizational systems you have in place will become second nature. You won’t misplace bills anymore that can incur late fees or lose important documents. Your entire home will run like a well oiled machine.

Hopefully, the reasons for organizing your home were helpful and inspiring. If your home has gotten to a point where you know you can’t do it alone - you don’t have to. We’re here to help. Our team will help you reach your goals and help you come up with a plan to organize your home.

We’ll leave you with this quote from author,Karen Kingston, “Every aspect of your life is anchored energetically in your living space, so clearing your clutter can completely transform your entire existence.” She also says “Everything around you, especially your home environment, mirrors your inner self.” Does your home currently reflect you are or who you aspire to be?

If not, let’s make changes towards living in a space that truly motivates us to be our very best!

Phoebe James