Spring Organizing - Closets

Long gone is the one-size fits all approach to home organization. We’re all different, our families are unique, and our homes are too. These days there are no rules to home organization, each process will look different for each home. From tiny houses to multi-family homes, the journey of home organization varies. However, there are some key areas that people should focus on, especially high use areas and storage areas. High traffic areas can become messy, cluttered, and lost in the business of life. We’re going to talk about how we can organize our homes now that Spring is (finally) here.

First let talk about bedroom closets. Don’t cringe, no judgement here. Remember, we’re in this together. We believe that bedroom closets can greatly affect how your day begins and ends. Waking up in the morning to clothes misplaced, laundry on the floor, shoes in disarray can affect your mood. Often it can lead to being late for work or an appointment, and worse of all, throwing on an outfit that makes your feel frumpy or awkward.

How can we remedy this?

We can start by removing any unwanted items from the closet and putting them into bags to donate. There are so many people that will be blessed by your giving spirit. As you’re purging, you want to keep only what you will use, and items that truly inspire you. Do it, and don’t look back. With the items that remain, we suggest purchasing hangers that will be consistent throughout the closet. You can find nice hangers almost anywhere. Our favorite are the “velvet” feel hangers https://amzn.to/2VcdFFu. Choose a color that fits with your home décor. Organize items by category and hang them together.

Shoes can be neatly placed on the floor in pairs, or you can purchase clear shoe boxes from The Container Store https://bit.ly/2hKd7rG. These are great, and they stack too. If you’re not into plastic or want other options, here you go https://bit.ly/2uGo7JL!

Break up your purging sessions into spurts, no more than 45 minutes at a time. This process shouldn’t be stressful, but purposeful. Decluttering in spurts allows you to not become overwhelmed easily. Do your best not to bring in any clothing or shoes during this time. You’ll want to have a clear vision of what you have, this will help you be very careful and intentional about what you bring into your space.

In the meantime, if you need some help with this, or just some ideas on what systems to use - email us at projectreworkhelp@gmail.com or book a free 30 minute consultation. We would love to get you on your way to a closet that functions well.

Phoebe James