The Playroom Playbook

So many toys, so little time. The toys always seem to be multiplying, don’t they? We are firm believers that, yes, kids do need some toys, but not EVERY toy. As kids grow up, it’s a tough job keeping them from wanting everything they see in a store, especially Target. We can’t blame them, it’s really hard learning self-control. That’s why it’s so important to start teaching them how to curb their appetite for “stuff” at an early age. As parents, this requires much effort on our part, and there may be a few tantrums our kids will dish out. Remember, this too shall pass. In our experience, we find that the more toys a child has, the less likely they are to truly enjoy most of them. They will play with it for what seems like five minutes, and they’ll be on to the next thing, while the “old” toys sit around creating clutter and collecting dust. Dust that you’ll have to clean.

In general, most families have an area or areas where toys collect or are kept. The following tips and tricks are guaranteed to help you manage and maintain said areas. So let’s talk first talk about where in your home can be designated as the playroom or play area. Not everyone lives in big home or has space to use for an area like this. We suggest finding an area that is away from anything harmful to children. A garage filled with lots of dangerous tools isn’t a good choice, for example, or an area near a steep staircase. Pick an area that is well lit, ventilated, and has enough room for them to really move around. Because no matter how many times you ask them to stop running, they never will. We also suggest against using the child’s bedroom for play, this teaches the child that their bedroom is for sleeping, not for playing. However, sometimes this isn’t feasible, and in those instances we say pick a corner of their room to setup for play.

Once the area is selected, put all of the toys together from every area of your home, if possible. Then take an inventory of the amount of toys, categorize them, and then declutter. Get rid of any broken toys, toys that aren’t age appropriate, and ones that they don’t show interest in. For older kids who may decide they want the toy they haven’t touched in 5 years, you may want to declutter without them. If they don’t mind giving the toys away, it’ll be fun to include them in sharing with another family, this is a great teaching moment too! Toys can be donated or given to someone you know who will put them to good use. Make sure they’re in good shape and clean before giving them away.

You don’t have to spend a ton to organize any room. There are some great affordable shelving units and bins that will help contain toys easily. Depending on the aesthetic in your home, you can select any color palette you want! Some people like more neutral tones, and others like vibrant bold colors. Do what works for your family. Pick fun wall paper, add a calming wall color, and other accents piece like rugs and furniture. Have fun with it!

Next step is to jot down the categories you’ll have in the playroom and begin putting them into piles for transfer into bins. Labels are excellent for playrooms, and in our opinion, necessary. This allows for kids to have responsibility in cleaning up after themselves, and being able to read exactly where toys go. Preschoolers who are learning to read will enjoy big bold letters on labels. You can use bin clips to attach to bins, or print pictures that correspond with what the bin holds in it. For example, the Barbie Doll bin would have a picture of a Barbie Doll taped to the front of it. Kids of all ages can help clean up after play time, it teaches them to value the toys they have, and to take care of them well. Lots of teaching moments with little ones, right?

Playrooms can be designed any which way that works for your family. Some may be minimal in concept but big in function. Others may have multiple areas for arts, math, reading, science, sensory play, and the list goes on. Find lots of ideas on Pinterest and focus on what your kids enjoy, and what you’d like them to learn. As parents, we spend lots of time in our kids’ playrooms too. Putting in that effort to create and maintain it will allow for much laughter, learning, and creativity in our homes.

Don’t feel like a playroom needs to come together overnight. Bit by bit, like the rest of your home, the sweat equity will have a huge return on your investment!

PRO TIP: If family members and friends love giving your kids toys, but you have no room, ask them to give money towards their college fund, an experience your child wants, or a charity of your child’s choosing.

PRO TIP: Sanitize toys that can be wiped with a vinegar and water solution. Mix equal parts distilled water and white vinegar and pour into a spray bottle, shake to combine. Spray the surface and wipe down.

PRO TIP: Play a clean up song, and decide on a fun name for clean up time. Call it whatever you want, your enthusiasm will encourage toddlers especially.

If you need help with your playroom, contact us, we’ll be happy to help!