Let's rework your space

Let’s rework your space

Expert Organizer

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A Passion for Organization

Not many people enjoy the process of organizing or decluttering their home or business, and that’s where we come in! People are busier and busier, and there never seems to be enough time to get rid of unwanted, unused items, or time to get your house in order. Our services range from decluttering your living spaces, purging your pantry, paper and mail management, to preparing a nursery to welcome a new baby. We hope to come alongside you and help you manage all that you have on your plate, which will bring you peace of mind and allow you to focus on what you’re truly passionate about!


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Phoebe James - Owner, Wife, and Proud Mother of Three

Phoebe James - Owner, Wife, and Proud Mother of Three


Owner of Project Rework, Phoebe James, much like many women, was afraid to dream BIG! With three little ones 4 and under, a home to manage, and a husband to love on - life could not have been more busy. However, she could not shake the feeling that there was more that she wanted to do. She knew that her passion was to make her home and other people’s homes functional, organized, and filled with things that had purpose. After many years of wondering if she should take a leap of faith, she decided to do just that. With much prayer, she and her supportive husband decided that if God placed this gift and passion in her heart, He would give her the wisdom to pursue it. Project Rework is all about reworking your living spaces or business office to allow you to be more efficient. Busy lives don’t have to mean messy homes or cluttered offices. We work hard so that you can focus on the things that you’re passionate about. Our goal is to help make your life simpler, your space more organized, save you time and energy, and create systems that are easy to maintain.

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